our services

Keep your point of attraction to your highest and best in every situation and shine on!

Meghaa Chiirag Daurjii is gifted channel of Divine language of light. She spreads it with Love and enthusiasm through her expertise in channeling Higher Energies.


Auto Writing

Automatic writing means channelling the messages from your higher self or masters.


Crystal ball gazing

Crystal-gazing is a method for seeing visions achieved through trance induction by means of gazing at a crystal.


Life coach

10 weeks incredible you program to help you know who you are, what you want and how can you achieve.


Munay ki rites

The Rites of the Munay-Ki transform and upgrade your luminous energy field.


Tarot card reading

The Tarot deck is made up of 78 Tarot cards, each with its own unique Tarot card meaning.


Energy Healing

Energy healing is a holistic practice that activates the body's subtle energy systems to remove blocks.


Chakra Diagnosis

Chakra’s regulate the flow of life force energy (chi), prana between the physical and the higher dimensions.

About Us

Few Words About Meghaa Chiirag Daurjii

Meghaa Chiirag Daurjii is gifted channel of Divine language of light. She spreads it with Love and enthusiasm through her expertise in channeling Higher Energies.

Universe Is Made Up Of Energy And She Believes Anything And Everything Is Possible By Channelling The Correct Energy.

Her Journey Started With Career In Aviation Industry As A Cabin Crew In 2005. She Worked For About 4 Years With Excellence In Service And Safety As Leading Crew.


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Sacred Doorways

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Mystical Girnar

Mystical Girnar is sacred formulation of spiritual and tantrik practises of accomplished saints.

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Our News Feed


Death And Sunset

We are born and we die some day, we reincarnate and we take birth and then we die. Just like sunrise in morning and sunset in evening.


Striving For A Work-Life Balance?

We are in a time where everything is moving fast. One can access the whole world by just sitting at one place. It's the time when almost...


Are You Happy

Often people ask me, how do you manage to multitask and be happy and cool? I smile and reply it's power of love. The 'self-love".